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626 lines
1> arrange [ >file | PRT: | PAR: ] [ filename ] [ filname ] ...
ARRANGE reads text from the standard input if no arguments are given,
otherwise it reads from the specified files. Output is written to
standard output.
Input may consist of ordinary text, which is filled and justified by
default, and arrangement commands. Arrangement commands consist of a
period (.) in the first character position of a line, a two character
code, and for most commands an optional argument. The commands
recognized are:
.bd n
Change printing of characters characteristic. Either turn on (1) or
turn off (0) BOLD printing of characters.
.bp n
Begin page numbered n. This forces the start of a new page with page
number n. The default for n is the current page number plus 1.
Cause a break. This forces any accumulated text not yet written to be
written immediately. Several commands implicitly cause a break before
they perform their function. These are: .bp, .ce, .fi, .ne, .ra, .si,
.sp, and .ti.
.ce n
Center Text. The following lines of text will be centered until the
center off command is received.
.ch n
Characters per inch. Change the number of characters printed per inch
across the paper. Values are 10 and 12.
.cl start,width,l start/width/c ...
Column. Define the parameters for columns in the Table command. The
arguments are start of a column, the width of the column, and if the
column is Left justified, Centered, or Right aligned. There are a
maximum of 10 columns allowed. To define the columns themselves, see
Revised 6 December 1985 1
the Table-Begin command.
.cm text line
Comment Line. Include a line of text in the source as a comment line
the line could be empty for use as a space in documentation. The line
will not be passed to the arrange program.
.dc c
Delimiter Char. Changes the delimiter character for certain commands
from whatever the current value to the new value of 'c' for char.
Space, return, control chars not accepted. Default value is a '/'.
.dp n
Display Page Number. Toggles whether a page number is displayed in
the header/footers. Can be turned on (1) or off(0).
.em n
Emphasize Text. Change the printing characteristics of text,
emphasize the letters, either on (1) or off (0).
.ex n
Expand Characters. Change whether normal characters (0) or expanded
characters (1). This changes the number of characters printed per
.ff n
Form Feed. Tell ARRANGE that the printer you are using sends accepts
a formfeed to page up. Turn on (1) and turn off (0).
.fg text
Figure Title. The text associated with the line is placed just like a
section identifier but the text is entered into a TABLE of FIGURES.
.fi n
Fill Text. Text will be filled (output lines will contain as many
words as possible) and right justified (right margins will be lined
up). ARRANGE fills by default. Turn Fill on and off just like other
.fm n
Footer Margin. Number of spaces to indent left footer from left edge
of the paper.
.fn text
Revised 6 December 1985 2
Footnote. Text used as a footnote on the page. Only one line of up
to 80 characters allowed. F1 must be at least 1 for the footnote to
appear. If more than one footnote are on a specific page, the last
one is printed.
.fo /left footer/center footer/right footer/
Set footer (bottom of page titles). The strings "left footer",
"center footer", "right footer" will be written at the bottom of each
page left justified, centered and right justified respectively. All
occurrences of the character '#' in the strings will be replace with
the current page number.
.f1 n
Footer Text Skip. Skip n blank lines between the last line of text
and the line that will contain the footers.
.f2 n
Footer Skip. Use n to skip n-1 blank lines after the footer, where n
must be => 1 for the footer to appear.
.fp n
Flip Header/Footer. This will cause the Left and Right Headers and
Footers to alternate on succeeding pages.
.g1 n
Figure skip. The number of lines to skip between the figure and the
figure title.
.g2 n
Figure text skip. The number of lines to skip between the figure text
and the following lines of text.
.he /left header/center header/right header/
Set header (top of page titles). Operates the same way as the footer
.hm n
Header Margin. Number of spaces to indent left header from left edge
of the paper.
.h1 n
Heading Skip. Use n to skip n-1 blank lines above the header, where n
must be => 1 for the header to appear.
Revised 6 December 1985 3
.h2 n
Heading Text Skip. The number of blank lines to skip between the
header and the next line of text.
.lm n
Left Margin. The start of each line will originate from n, other
commands may affect the indentation, eg. ti.
.it n
Italics Characters. Changes whether the characters are printed as
normal ascii characters (0) or in Italics (1).
.ju n
Justify Text. Decides whether text is justified along the right
margin and gives a presentable view or is left ragged.
.ls n
Set line spacing. N-1 blank lines will be inserted between each line
of text.
.mb name
Macro Begin. Denotes the starting of a macro definition that will
have the name called 'name'.
Macro End. Denotes the ending of a macro definition.
.ne n
Need n lines. If there are fewer than n lines remaining on the
current page, then skip to a new page.
.nx "Major"Minor"
Index Listing. Allows the user to specify an index for the document.
The index can be broken up into two catagories, a Major heading and a
minor heading. The index is not printed till the end of the document.
The index will be printed in single column mode. Currently this
option is not functional.
Paragraph Start. Accept the next line of text input as a paragraph
start and space 'ps' lines and indent from margin 'pi' spaces.
Revised 6 December 1985 4
.pi n
Paragraph Indent. Number of spaces to indent the paragraph from the
left margin of the paper.
.pl n
Page Length. Define the number of lines that are on a page including
the headers and footers.
.ps n
Paragraph Spacing. Number of lines to skip between the preceeding
text and the start of the current paragraph.
.pt text
Page Text. Text to be placed in front of a page number in either the
header or footer. Defaults to Page.
.ra n
Right Alignment. Align the next n lines of the input file on the
right margin.
.rm n
Set right margin (the rightmost character position to be written to).
.ro n
Change page number printing from to roman (1) or to arabic (0).
.sb n
Subscript characters. Turns on (1) the Subscripting of characters
until the turn off (0) signal is received.
.sh text
Section Header. Display a section header for the following text and
place it into the table of contents. One note, in the table of
contents, no page number will appear for the Header. (Not functional
.si text
Section Identifier. Display a section identifier for the following
text and place it into the table of contents.
.sm n
Section Margin. Indent the section identifier n spaces from the
Revised 6 December 1985 5
margin specified by .lm.
.sp n
Space. Write n blank lines.
.ss n
Section Skip. Skip n blank lines between the preceeding text and the
section identifer.
.st n
Section Text Skip. Skip n blank lines between the section identifier
and the next line of text.
.su n
Superscript characters. Turns on (1) the Superscripting of characters
until the turn off (0) signal is received.
Table Begin. Starts the beginning of tables. The table begins on the
next line and uses the following format:
/column1/column2/column3/.../column10/. There are a maximum of 10
columns with the start, width and justification specified in the
Column command.
Table End. Denotes the end of a Table.
.tf n
Print Table of Contents. Toggles on (1) or off (0) whether the Table
of Contents will be printed if it exists.
.ti n
Temporary indent. The next output line (and only that line) will be
given an indentation of lm+n rather than the value set by .lm.
.un n
Underline Characters. Switches Underline Mode. Turns on (1) and
turns off (0) the underlining of characters.
.macro /arg 1/arg 2/arg 3/ arg4/ arg5/
Macro Call. Calls the macro named 'macro' passing it the arguments
delimited by the delimiting character '/' (default). Up to five (5)
Revised 6 December 1985 6
arguments may be passed. The macro can be called as many times as
needed. No nesting of Macros allowed yet.
Revised 6 December 1985 7
Numeric arguments may be specified in two ways: as absolute (unsigned)
integers, or as signed integers. Absolute arguments are assigned to
parameters in the obvious way:
.ls 2
sets the line spacing to 2.
Signed arguments indicate a change in the current value of the
parameter being set; the value of the argument is added to or
subtracted from the current value. For example, the commands:
.pl 66
.pl -10
will set the page length to 56, and
.lm 10
.lm +5
will cause a temporary indent of 15.
Blank lines and lines starting with spaces occuring in the input are
special cases. Blank lines cause a break and a number of blank lines
equal to the current line spacing to be written. Lines starting with
spaces cause a break and a temporary indent of +n, where n is the
number of spaces before the first non-space character on the line.
Revised 6 December 1985 8
Command Name Form Default Min Max
Bold Char .bd n off 0 1
Begin Page .bp n 1 -1000 1000
Break line .br none
Center Line .ce n off 0 1
Char per inch .ch n 10 10 12
Column .cl s,w,l s,w,r
Comment text .cm text none
Display Page .dp n on 0 1
Emphasize .em n off 0 1
Expand Text .ex n off 0 1
Formfeed .ff on 0 1
Figure .fg text
Fill Text .fi on 0 1
Footer Margin .fm n 5 0 30
Footnote .fn text
Footers .fo /lf/cn/rt/ off
Skip B/Footer .f1 n 3 0 20
Skip A/Footer .f2 n 3 0 20
Flip Head/Foot .fp n off 0 1
Figure skip .g1 n 1 0 10
Figure text skip .g2 n 2 0 10
Headers .he /lf/cn/rt/ off
Header margin .hm n 5 0 30
Skip B/Header .h1 n 3 0 20
Skip A/Header .h2 n 3 0 20
Left Margin .lm n 5 0 1
Italic Print .it n off 0 1
Index .nx "Major"Minor"
Justify Text .ju n on 0 1
Line Spacing .ls n 1 0 3
Macro Begin .mb name
Macro End
Need Lines .ne n 0 0 66
Paragraph .pa none
Para Indent .pi n 5 0 20
Page Length .pl n 66 10 88
Para Spacing .ps n 1 0 10
Page Text .pt text Page
Right Align .ra n off 0 1
Right Margin .rm n 70 0 132
Roman Page .ro n off 0 1
Subscripts .sb n off 0 1
Section Header .sh text off
Section Id .si text off
Section Margin .sm n 5 0 30
Section Skip .ss n 2 0 5
Space Lines .sp n 0 0 30
Sect Text Skip .st n 2 0 5
Superscripts .su n off 0 1
TOC Print .tf n on 0 1
Revised 6 December 1985 9
Table Begin .tb
Table End .te
Temp indent .ti n 0 -99 99
Underline .un n off 0 1
macro .macro /1/2/3/4/5
Revised 6 December 1985 10
Conceptual View of ARRANGED Page
V Top Edge of paper V
| ^ | ^
| | TOP MARGIN, H1 | .
L | | | .
F | ^ |
| V | I
E | User defined text starts here and continues down to the | N
D | footer on the bottom of the page. | E
G | | S
E | |
| |------ Indentation from left edge, LM | p
o |<->| Considered the LEFT MARGIN | e
f | | | r
| |User text is indented the specified number of spaces |
P | |from the edge of the paper. | P
A | | | A
G |<------------------ RIGHT MARGIN from left edge, RM ---->| | G
E | | | | E
| |User text will be FILLED out to the right margin when| |
| |ever it is generated, except in the case of having| | PL
| |fill off. | |
| | This is RIGHT ALIGNED text| | .
| | | | .
| |This is NON FILLED text that is input | | .
| | | | .
| | | | .
| | | | .
| |